Its Here! Electronic Access to the VISITING FIREMAN.

You now have the ability to update your listing, organization or museum information on line using our online system. As we prepare for the 2022 book this will give you the opportunity to keep your information up to date on your schedule and upload photos for printing in the book.
For those who do not have Internet access we will still provide a paper listing form to send in.
Thank you all for your patience.

on Tuesday February 18th 2025

The VISITING FIREMAN is an annual publication of Fire Service Enthusiasts from across the world who all share a common interest in the Fire Service.

Many different interests make up the world of fire buffing. Fire Fighters, Fire Buffing, Fire Scene Photography, Historical Preservation, Fire Apparatus Photography, Apparatus Restoration, Preservation of Fire Memorabilia, Rehab/Canteen Operations, Communications, Scanner Monitoring, Fire Alarm Telegraphic Alarm Systems, Model Apparatus Building, Toy Collectibles, and Fire Museums are but a small sampling of the diverse area of interest to Enthusiasts and Fire Buffs alike.

The VISITING FIREMAN is a book that ties the many diverse interests of Enthusiasts and Buffs together in a common forum - The sharing of information, and photos. Every year the book not only provides current information but preserves many important historical aspects of the fire service for future generations.

The VISITING FIREMAN is also an invaluable travel guide for business and pleasure. The book has been characterized as the "Bible of Fire Buffing" and one of those books "You Do Not Leave Home Without"!!

Photogaphy in the VISITING FIREMAN

CameraEvery year folks who participate in the VISITING FIREMAN send in hundreds of photographs for publication. These photos include recent apparatus deliveries, working fires, antique and classic apparatus or photographs of recent or historical events. We receive primarily color prints, b/w prints, and occasionally slides. Digital photography is becoming more popular and this method of photo submission is becoming more popular. We receive over 1400 photographs annually and use anywhere from 350 to 400 photos each year.

Photos are placed in three sections of the book. The Directory Section consists of all B/W photos. The Antique Scrapbook section is all B/W and consists of antique, vintage, or classic apparatus. The Color Scrapbook section, as the name implies, is all Color Photographs. We ask everyone to limit their submissions to their five best photos. Its just too darn hard to select photos otherwise. Typically we make every effort to place one photo with your name in the Directory Listing and one photo in the Scrapbook section of the book - either Antique or Color.

When submitting photos YOU MUST place your name on the back of the photo along with an appropriate caption. Listings and photographs DO GET SEPARATED and it is difficult to match them up down the road during layout to get the caption.

Here is what we need on your photographs...First, your name and state where you live. Next we ask for enough information to write an adequate caption. Information should include City and State where the apparatus is located, Year/Make/Model of the apparatus, Capacity of the apparatus such as gpm, booster tank capacity, ladder length, hose capacity, and special features the rig may have such as a CAFS (Compressed Air Foam System). USE A FELT TIP PEN or write on a sticky label first then apply the label to the photo. DO NOT USE A BALL POINT PEN - this will leave a mark we cannot remove in scanning. Photos not used annually are kept on file for future editions of the book.

Digital Photos are Welcome, However... in order to get the best picture quality when printing those photos they MUST MEET the following criteria prior to submission: Photo size must be AT LEAST 1600 x 1200 pixels in size (roughly 3-1/2 x 5 inches"). The SAVED RESOLUTION MUST BE AT LEAST 300 DPI. These photos can be in JPEG or TIFF format although we prefer the TIFF format. CD-ROM’s are good with us. Don’t forget captions!

Use your on-line access to upload Digital Photos to the VISITING FIREMAN. It is an option under the menu system once you log into your listing account. Simply follow the on line instructions. Be aware the maximum single file upload size is 2 mb. Anything larger will fail to upload. Make sure your photo resolution is at least 300 dpi and we prefer 600 dpi if possible. Poor quality photos and fuzzy photos will not be used. Make sure you fill in the caption for the on line photo when you submit your photos electronically.

How did the VISITING FIREMAN start? The book was started in 1953-54 by Joseph Hallett of Norwell, Massachusetts. Joe had many friends interested in fire buffing but no way to keep in touch. Joe was also interested in sharing his ideas about fire buffing with others. Out of his dream The VISITING FIREMAN was born.

From the first edition here is the forward: "Here Comes the VISITING FIREMAN. The VISIT is admittedly an experiment, although enough of you fire fighters and buffs have indicated a desire for it to make The VISITING FIREMAN a reasonably safe gamble. If you like it (and please let me know) The VISITING FIREMAN will be an annual publication with the next issue ready early in 1955... all new features and revised lists".

"This book is designed by you, and you, and you to make your firematic contacts, hobbies, and travels more pleasant. If your special fire-hobby-interest is not covered let me know and it will be in the 1955 book if at all possible".

"There are at least 2 million of us... full time, and volunteer firemen, buffs, and associates. This first edition of the VISITING FIREMAN will reach only a few of you but in the years to come, it is my hope that it will be a link of friendship between men with fire interests; that the VISITING FIREMAN will develop our fraternity and will be of value to you personally, in your firematic pursuits".

From this humble beginning the book has grown over the last 53 years and goes to more than 20 different countries, worldwide. LuAnn and I would like you to be part of the VISITING FIREMAN and to share in the fellowship of our fire buffing fraternity. Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you in the 53rd Edition of the VISITING FIREMAN in 2007.

Who participates in the VISITING FIREMAN? As mentioned earlier, the VISITING FIREMAN consists of a great diversity of individuals who all share a common bond with the fire service. Among those in the book are Fire Chiefs, Chief Officers, Fire Fighters, Fire Service Support folks, Public Safety Officers, Fire Investigators, Emergency Medical Services folks, and more. Of course a number of individuals in the VISITING FIREMAN are those who have a love of the fire service and support fire fighters through their civilian status and involvement. These are individuals who preserve fire fighting history though photography, video photography, firematic collections, preservation of apparatus, and of course fire museums. Many of this world's fire museums are supported and cared for by folks who are not fire fighters, but have a strong desire to watch over the history of fire fighting.

What does it all boil down to? As in the beginning our Philosophy today is simple: Connect Fire Fighters, Fire Service Enthusiasts, and individuals who share the love of the fire service from around the world.

Promote Fire Service Camaraderie, Fire Apparatus Preservation, Fire Museums, Fire Service Photography, and Fellowship among all who share an interest in the Fire Service.

Publish articles and photographs about fires, fire apparatus, and fire service activities.

Provide a book that promotes and preserves the colorful history of the Fire Service, Fire Buffs, Enthusiasts, and Apparatus alike.

Contact Us | MS01RAC - © 2025
The VISITING FIREMAN - Burlington, Wisconsin USA