Its Here! Electronic Access to the VISITING FIREMAN.

You now have the ability to update your listing, organization or museum information on line using our online system. As we prepare for the 2022 book this will give you the opportunity to keep your information up to date on your schedule and upload photos for printing in the book.
For those who do not have Internet access we will still provide a paper listing form to send in.
Thank you all for your patience.

Here Comes the VISITING FIREMAN on Saturday March 29th, 2025

The VISITING FIREMAN is an annual publication of Fire Service Enthusiasts from across the world who all share a common interest in the Fire Service.

Many different interests make up the world of fire buffing. Fire Fighters, Fire Buffing, Fire Scene Photography, Historical Preservation, Fire Apparatus Photography, Apparatus Restoration, Preservation of Fire Memorabilia, Rehab/Canteen Operations, Communications, Scanner Monitoring, Fire Alarm Telegraphic Alarm Systems, Model Apparatus Building, Toy Collectibles, and Fire Museums are but a small sampling of the diverse area of interest to Enthusiasts and Fire Buffs alike.

The VISITING FIREMAN is a book that ties the many diverse interests of Enthusiasts and Buffs together in a common forum - The sharing of information, and photos. Every year the book not only provides current information but preserves many important historical aspects of the fire service for future generations.

The VISITING FIREMAN is also an invaluable travel guide for business and pleasure. The book has been characterized as the "Bible of Fire Buffing" and one of those books "You Do Not Leave Home Without"!

We invite you to take a peek at the web site and see for yourself what the book is all about. After taking a look don' t forget to order. The book is published annually in March of every year and quickly sells out. If you are a Fire Service, or Apparatus Enthusiast, a Collector of Fire Memorabilia, Love photographs of apparatus both old and new, or just a Fire Buff order now or get us your name and address to receive the fall mailing of the listing form.

Thanks for stopping by and we look forward to seeing you in an upcoming edition of the VISITING FIREMAN!


The VISITING FIREMAN is a Directory of Fire Service Enthusiasts from across the world. Published annually since 1954 the book provides a common forum for all who take an interest in the Fire Service. Fire Buffs and Enthusiasts come from all walks of life. Blue Collar Workers, White Collar Workers, Laborers, Clergy, Fire Fighters, Doctors, Lawyers, Students, Retired Folks, Computer Programmers, Members of the Legislative Community, well just about any occupation you can think of. Fire Buffs and Enthusiasts are good folks like yourself who take an interest in the Fire Fighters, Fire Apparatus, Artifacts, Memorabilia, and the Colorful History which surrounds the Fire Service.

The Directory provides a forum to connect us in a fraternity that parallels the fire fighting world. Many of our participants take the book along when they travel for pleasure or business - hence the name "The VISITING FIREMAN". Once at a destination a quick glance through the directory will put you in contact with Fire Buffs and Enthusiasts alike in a particular area. Likewise the book makes it easy to locate SPAAMFAA and IFBA organizations and their officers. Fire Museums occupies a portion of the directory making it convenient to find these places of history. Got a Scanner? The book list many fire radio frequencies along with Talkgroups for trunked systems.

Are you interested in Hand Tubs or horse drawn apparatus? Antique, Vintage, or Modern Fire Apparatus? How about patches or t-shirts? Don't forget photographs and articles on fire fighting history and Buffing! All this and much more is included in each annual edition of the VISITING FIREMAN!

How did the VISITING FIREMAN start? The book was started in 1953-54 by Joseph Hallett of Norwell, Massachusetts. Joe had many friends interested in fire buffing but no way to keep in touch. Joe was also interested in sharing his ideas about fire buffing with others. Out of his dream The VISITING FIREMAN was born.

From the first edition here is the forward: "Here Comes the VISITING FIREMAN. The VISIT is admittedly an experiment, although enough of you fire fighters and buffs have indicated a desire for it to make The VISITING FIREMAN a reasonably safe gamble. If you like it (and please let me know) The VISITING FIREMAN will be an annual publication with the next issue ready early in 1955... all new features and revised lists".

"This book is designed by you, and you, and you to make your firematic contacts, hobbies, and travels more pleasant. If your special fire-hobby-interest is not covered let me know and it will be in the 1955 book if at all possible".

"There are at least 2 million of us... full time, and volunteer firemen, buffs, and associates. This first edition of the VISITING FIREMAN will reach only a few of you but in the years to come, it is my hope that it will be a link of friendship between men with fire interests; that the VISITING FIREMAN will develop our fraternity and will be of value to you personally, in your firematic pursuits".

From this humble beginning the book has grown over the last 53 years and goes to more than 20 different countries, worldwide. LuAnn and I would like you to be part of the VISITING FIREMAN and to share in the fellowship of our fire buffing fraternity. Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you in the 53rd Edition of the VISITING FIREMAN in 2007.

Who participates in the VISITING FIREMAN? As mentioned earlier, the VISITING FIREMAN consists of a great diversity of individuals who all share a common bond with the fire service. Among those in the book are Fire Chiefs, Chief Officers, Fire Fighters, Fire Service Support folks, Public Safety Officers, Fire Investigators, Emergency Medical Services folks, and more. Of course a number of individuals in the VISITING FIREMAN are those who have a love of the fire service and support fire fighters through their civilian status and involvement. These are individuals who preserve fire fighting history though photography, video photography, firematic collections, preservation of apparatus, and of course fire museums. Many of this world's fire museums are supported and cared for by folks who are not fire fighters, but have a strong desire to watch over the history of fire fighting.

What does it all boil down to? As in the beginning our Philosophy today is simple: Connect Fire Fighters, Fire Service Enthusiasts, and individuals who share the love of the fire service from around the world.

Promote Fire Service Camaraderie, Fire Apparatus Preservation, Fire Museums, Fire Service Photography, and Fellowship among all who share an interest in the Fire Service.

Publish articles and photographs about fires, fire apparatus, and fire service activities.

Provide a book that promotes and preserves the colorful history of the Fire Service, Fire Buffs, Enthusiasts, and Apparatus alike.

Who are we.... Who are we not... There are those who would accuse us of being fire bugs, pests, and nuts. A crazy group of folks who chase fires and emergencies at all hours of the day and night. Folks who don't have a life. Yet among our ranks are such well known fire buffs including Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Fielder, and Fiorello La Guardia (Mayor of NY City) from years gone by. More recent and recognized fire buffs include Retired Fire Chief Alan Brunicini, Hal Bruno, and Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder. As an active Fire Chief myself, I count myself among the ranks of fire buffs. What I have learned from over 30+ years of fire buffing across North America, I have applied in my own fire department to make it a better place for those under my command.

The meaning of a fire buff is special in that there is a relationship with the fire service, both past, present and future. Our love for the fire service goes beyond compensation, goes beyond glory, and goes beyond prestige. Our dedication, heart and sole will forever be in support of our brothers and sisters who came before us and will be here long after we are gone. Our goal as fire buffs and fire fighters is to make the world a better place for all of mankind, and a safer place for those fire fighters who battle the ravages of fire on a daily basis. The VISITING FIREMAN provides a forum to network together for the betterment of the Fire Service. IFBA Past President Jim Rasmussen put it best in his article - Who or What is a Fire Buff. Please take a moment and see what we are really all about.

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The VISITING FIREMAN - Burlington, Wisconsin USA